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There's a superhuman within you. We'll show you how to unlock it. 

Teachings from a 30-year journey to reverse-engineer the path to enlightenment.
What lies ahead is a map.

This map was found after a lifetime of research into the world's most extraordinary people.

This map does lead to a treasure, but it is not the kind of treasure that you can hold.

It's treasure of inner riches. A treasure of liberation.

It's a treasure of meaning, purpose, and realizing your full human potential. 

Because we're capable of so much more than some would want us to believe.

We're here to show you the truth. Are you ready?

This map we speak of, it's the work of 30 years of comparative research by spiritual anthropologist David Verdesi.

A dramatic shot of David while we were shooting the Searching for Superhumans Docuseries. Indonesia, 2016.

Meet David

David's life work has been researching and comparing his own experiences with those of 120 mystics, yogis, cave-dwellers, saints and genuine enlightened beings; the “Olympians” of the spiritual & mystical realms. Superhumans.

Whether it's Siddhas from the mountains and jungles of India, Xian immortals from China and Southeast Asia, the Shamans of Central and South America and Africa, the Mystics of old Europe, or the mysterious Saints of the northern Steppes of Russia, Tibet and Mongolia, David's experienced it all.

Meet David

David's life work has been researching and comparing his own experiences with those of 120 mystics, yogis, cave-dwellers, saints and genuine enlightened beings; the “Olympians” of the spiritual & mystical realms. Superhumans.

Whether it's Siddhas from the mountains and jungles of India, Xian immortals from China and Southeast Asia, the Shamans of Central and South America and Africa, the Mystics of old Europe, or the mysterious Saints of the northern Steppes of Russia, Tibet and Mongolia, David's experienced it all.

"The human senses are so much more profound and precise than was ever imagined by science, and I think David Verdesi has had some very profound and powerful experiences of that...

he has distilled practices from around the world into a new algorithm of practices."

William Bushell, Ph.D.

MIT, Harvard, and Columbia University affiliated anthropologist

Because without a map, the spiritual journey can be a bit of a mess.

Even though meditations, practices, and exercises for inner work have never been more readily available, there’s still a massive problem...

We’ve been left without a comprehensive framework to understand exactly what we’re working towards.

Without an X to mark the spot, we’re taking a reactive approach to the arduous task of creating the best version of ourselves.

“Do this meditation for [this]

“Try this breathing exercise for [that]

“Hold this pose to feel [xyz]"

“Try this course to solve [ailment]

 Because without a map, the spiritual journey can be a bit of a mess. 

 “Do this meditation for [this] 

“Try this breathing exercise for [that]

“Hold this pose to feel [xyz]"

“Try this course to solve [ailment]

Even though meditations, practices, and exercises for inner work have never been more readily available, there’s still a massive problem...

We’ve been left without a comprehensive framework to understand exactly what we’re working towards.

Without an X to mark the spot, we’re taking a reactive approach to the arduous task of creating the best version of ourselves.

You see, we’re using disparate practices as our mallet in a game of

When we only focus on individual techniques, we miss the big picture.

When we miss the big picture, progress is slow and scattered. 

Just because we’re moving doesn’t mean it’s in the right direction.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

Chinese Proverb

We’re here to make sure those steps are in the right direction.

So how do we not get lost in the thousands of different techniques?

During his research, David discovered that the world’s most incredible people, whether in Africa. Siberia, South America, Indonesia, China, or India all share an underlying pattern that transcends geographical, linguistic, and cultural boundaries.

After noticing the very same patterns in all these disparate cultures, David reverse-engineered an algorithm that allowed these individuals to reach the full potential of their human nature.

The Kalachakra Mandala, a roadmap inwards that is deciphered in David's algorithm.

So how do we not get lost in the thousands of different techniques?

During his research, David discovered that the world’s most incredible people, whether in Africa. Siberia, South America, Indonesia, China, or India all share an underlying pattern that transcends geographical, linguistic, and cultural boundaries.

After noticing the very same patterns in all these disparate cultures, David reverse-engineered an algorithm that allowed these individuals to reach the full potential of their human nature.

The Kalachakra Mandala, a roadmap inwards that is deciphered in David's algorithm.

you’re no longer practicing a mish-mash of disparate techniques from differing belief systems, religions, and histories.

Instead, you’re practicing the principles.

The core, and most important, principle: the breath

The breath is our vehicle to move along the map.

In one way or another, every technique that David studied utilizes breathing.

No matter where in the world he was, there were numerous breathing patterns that were common across cultures.

The line is very clear: breathing practices, through a series of logical steps, can cause the process of awakening.

The core, and most important, principle: the breath

The breath is our vehicle to move along the map.

In one way or another, every technique that David studied utilizes breathing.

No matter where in the world he was, there were numerous breathing patterns that were common across cultures.

The line is very clear: breathing practices, through a series of logical steps, can cause the process of awakening.

The power of the breath to control our physiology & nervous system has been well documented.

Whether it’s Wim Hof, who used breathing practices to climb Mt. Everest in shorts and run a marathon in -4 F, among many other seemingly impossible feats

or Saint Anthony’s Medical Center in St. Louis, Missouri where Holotropic Breathwork showed significant and lasting benefits - with no adverse effects - to 11,000 manic-depressives, schizophrenics, and others

So we know the breath is powerful tool,
now we learn how to use it.

So, without further ado, we bring to you...

The power of the breath to control our physiology & nervous system has been well documented.

Whether it’s Wim Hof, who used breathing practices to climb Mt. Everest in shorts and run a marathon in -4 F, among many other seemingly impossible feats

or Saint Anthony’s Medical Center in St. Louis, Missouri where Holotropic Breathwork showed significant and lasting benefits - with no adverse effects - to 11,000 manic-depressives, schizophrenics, and others

So we know the breath is powerful tool,
now we must learn how to use it.

So, without further ado, we bring to you...
David observed different variants of this same map across cultures, but after distilling the common elements down...
a path began to emerge. 
I. Finding the Stillness
II. Expanding the Emotions
III. Receiving & Decoding
IV. The Mystical Union
David observed different variants of this same map across cultures, but after distilling the common elements down...
a path began to emerge. 
I. Finding the Stillness
II. Expanding the Emotions
III. Receiving & Decoding
IV. The Mystical Union

I. Finding the Stillness

First & foremost, we will use the breath to disconnect.

Typically, we are locked inside of our head, constantly interacting with what we think, what we say, what we want.

We need to get out of that cave.

So, what humanity has devised is a series of practices to first shock us out of the system. To free ourselves from our thoughts, to show us that they are not ours.

Snapping out is the beginning of the spiritual journey and the first technique to master is how to access this silence on command.

Then, you learn to remain in this emptiness, to abide by it, to remain in it. To recognize that this silence is always available.

This is the key to starting the journey along the map: quieting the mind so that you can discover what’s underneath it.

You could probably feel the stillness now if you'd like.


Go ahead. Slow those breaths down.

Focus on the happy face.

We’ll wait.

Scroll down when you’re ready.

Ahh sweet silence, but then what?

II. Expanding the Emotions

Now that you’ve found the stillness, a new function of the mind can emerge.

Within the stillness, these incredible emotions begin to come through.

The kind of emotions that touch your heart - hearing an amazing piece of music, witnessing a stunning sunset, feeling the infinite pleasure in the touch of a loved one.

And these emotions further bring you out of yourself.

Learning to develop and sustain that state of emotional expansion is the second principle, and humanity has devised numerous practices to cultivate this state.

When harnessed, it feels like all the energies of the body are coming alive. we feel potent, we feel powerful. We’ll learn how this energy works, how it moves, and what we can do with it.

What do we do with all that energy?

III. Receiving
& Decoding

Next, we begin to enter into a state of both receptivity and projection.

Like a radio, we can now receive information - thoughts, images, ideas.

 This is when you begin to connect to your higher self, the wisdom of the universe, the divine, or wherever wisdom comes from in your life. 

  As this wisdom is coming to us, we need to interpret it so we can act.  

 As you’d expect by now, humanity has also devised a whole mess of practices to decode this information, to put it in order, to turn it into a vision.

Because you can’t work with what you don’t see. 

 In this vision, you begin to finally see yourself. 

 We begin to abandon and shed old ways of thinking and our old identity. And in its place, a nascent quality of our mind & character begins to emerge. 

 Next, we begin to enter into a state of both receptivity and projection. 

 Like a radio, we can now receive information - thoughts, images, ideas. 

 This is when you begin to connect to your higher self, the wisdom of the universe, the divine, or wherever wisdom comes from in your life. 

  As this wisdom is coming to us, we need to interpret it so we can act.  


 As you’d expect by now, humanity has also devised a whole mess of practices to decode this information, to put it in order, to turn it into a vision.

Because you can’t work with what you don’t see. 

 In this vision, you begin to finally see yourself. 


 We begin to abandon and shed old ways of thinking and our old identity. And in its place, a nascent quality of our mind & character begins to emerge. 

But what do we do with this vision?

IV. The Mystical Union

Moving towards your vision

Now that you have a clear vision - whether it’s your beloved, the divine, or your enlightened nature - the last step is to move toward it, or move that which appears towards you.
These series of practices center around the culmination of the spiritual journey - the great transfer, the famous “mystical union” where you take what you have seen, and you transfer yourself there.

(This is actually where the word religion came from. In latin, it means to re-unite)

This brings the famous separation of the soul, the spirt leaving the case of the body, becoming one with the greater identity in which we all exist.

If this sounds crazy to you now, just wait until you feel it. 

Not quite.

then what's the issue?

The journey does not end once we reach the “end”.

This map is not linear.

Life is not irreversibly changed once you’ve seen the truth.

Unlocking our full human potential is not a one-time thing.

Modern life will seep back in. Setbacks and distractions will arise.

This is guaranteed.

Maintaining this treasure while in our physical world requires continuous work.

so we realized it was not enough to simply show the map

We needed to equip others to access this state at will. 

"If you understand causation, you are the master of the universe, because you understand how to repeat a desired phenomenon ad infinitum.

Each time that you recreate certain conditions, you will have the same results.

David Verdesi

This is the skill we're here to teach you.

While these four principles in the map can occur naturally, being able to replicate them on demand is invaluable.
We learn to dive into this space with daily practice...

until we literally find ourselves in a new mind...

where there is a new, true, us.
And then we begin to live through it.

How we'll teach you

Someone wise once told us,
"transformation happens when training meets inspiration."
With that in mind, we've created practical trainings to complement the inspiring feats you will see in the Searching for Superhumans Docuseries. 
"There is so much spiritual marketing out there, so many money making gurus and so little substance.

Finally, deeper knowledge and more advanced tools. Good work!"
Elena Johansson
Malmö, Sweden

Integrating the map.

You've seen David's map in theory, now it's time to feel it in practice. 

Three trainings to take you step-by-step through the common principles & practices that David found in his research. 

Training I. Foundations
Divider Text
26 lessons | 5 hours
This is the first step in your path to unlocking your full potential. An extensive 3-part course teaches the common mental principles David observed in masters & superhumans throughout his 30-year journey.  While the core practices are explained in 5 hours of video lessons, they are designed to be used over and over for life.

Part I: Disconnecting
& Energy Cultivation

7 Lessons
Principles: I. Finding the Stillness | II. Emotional Expansion
The foundation of it all; you will learn to disconnect from the monkey mind and tap into the dormant energy potential of your body, turning the mind-body machine into a factory of energy to the point of creating your light body.
9 Lessons
Principles: II. Emotional Expansion
Keep your light shining. Whenever you will feel lost or disrupted, bring your mind back into the center, so your light remains bright, and your energy stays strong.

Part II: Power & The Fire Within

Part III. Synchronization & The Mystical Union

14 Lessons
Principles: III. Receiving & Decoding | IV. The Mystical Union
Unify the hardware and software; the mind, body, emotions, and desires — all in service of disengaging from the competing voices within. With laser-like focus, in sync with heart and universe, you will move beyond your physical body, to reach what the Buddha called enlightenment.
Training I. Foundations
Divider Text
26 lessons | 5 hours
This is the first step in your path to unlocking your full potential.

An extensive 3-part course teaches the common mental principles David observed in masters & superhumans throughout his 30-year journey.  While the core practices are explained in 5 hours of video lessons, they are designed to be used over and over for life.

Part I:
& Energy Cultivation

7 Lessons
Principles: I. Finding the Stillness | II. Emotional Expansion
The foundation of it all; you will learn to disconnect from the monkey mind and tap into the dormant energy potential of your body, turning the mind-body machine into a factory of energy to the point of creating your light body.

Part II:
Power & The Fire Within

9 Lessons
Principles: II. Emotional Expansion
Keep your light shining. Whenever you will feel lost or disrupted, bring your mind back into the center, so your light remains bright, and your energy stays strong.

Part III.
Synchronization & The Mystical Union

14 Lessons
Principles: III. Receiving & Decoding | IV. The Mystical Union
Unify the hardware and software; the mind, body, emotions, and desires — all in service of disengaging from the competing voices within. With laser-like focus, in sync with heart and universe, you will move beyond your physical body, to reach what the Buddha called enlightenment.
"It was amazing what I managed to achieve in such a short space of time.

The practical teachings are incredible and I really enjoyed the series, it is amazing to see what humans are really capable of."

Pamela Joy
Carlisle, United Kingdom

How to use the
Superhuman Experience

Start watching the docuseries
The episodes within the docuseries are your inspiration, like watching the olympics every two years. Each master in the docuseries represents a shared principle of all superhumans. Before you begin to train, it's best to have at least finished watching episode 1.
Begin to master Training 1: Foundations
This initial training is the essence of David's map. It's designed to be used for life. Perfecting this one regimen as a singular and cohesive approach will change the way you live forever.
Continually supplement your growth with the Superhuman interviews
While you are perfecting Training 1: Foundations, continually digest your 13 hours of deep discussions with the world's leading experts on human potential. 
"Better and better each day I practice! I love everything!!! Amazing video quality, amazing site layout, amazing to have the practice components."
Lee Botbiji
Calgary, Alberta
Why we're sharing this now
We and the masters we've met believe that the time is now to reveal these secrets.
Now more than ever, our planet needs conscious human beings with awakened hearts and compassionate minds.

We need more people to understand what their potential is, not only for themselves but what we could do together as a way to bring more healing into the world.
Why we're sharing this now
We and the masters we've met believe that the time is now to reveal these secrets. Now more than ever, our planet needs conscious human beings with awakened hearts and compassionate minds.

We need more people to understand what their potential is, not only for themselves but what we could do together as a way to bring more healing into the world.
A lifetime of training, for the cost of a full-day workshop
💸 Not to mention, if you're not in love with it after 90 days we'll give you every penny back. No questions asked. 

"The content is worth more than money. All parts are my favourite...literally fantastic. I loved literally everything - the approach, the display, the content. It’s really well gathered and presented."

Matthew Garrad
Perth, Australia

The Superhuman Foundations Training

Decades of immersive superhuman experience into an accessible training program.
Training I: Foundations
35 Lessons
I. Disconnecting & Energy Cultivation
II. Power & The Fire Within
III. Synchronization & The Mystical Union
Get started
A lifetime of training, for the cost of a full-day workshop
💸 Not to mention, if you're not in love with it after 90 days we'll give you every penny back. No questions asked. 

The Superhuman Training

Decades of immersive superhuman experience into an accessible training program.
Training I: Foundations
35 Lessons
I. Disconnecting & Energy Cultivation
II. Power & The Fire Within
III. Synchronization & The Mystical Union

"The content is worth more than money. All parts are my favourite...literally fantastic. I loved literally everything - the approach, the display, the content. It’s really well gathered and presented."

Matthew Garrad
Perth, Australia

The people you will learn from have committed a lifetime to develop their full potential.

We're just asking you to commit $147 today.

To put this in perspective...

☕️ Each daily training is less than a cup of coffee or tea (35 trainings at $4.20 a day)

🧘🏽‍♂️ You'll have access to a lifetime of training for less than a 1 month membership to a yoga studio

💫 What is it really worth to spend day after day, year after year, at your highest potential?

"I love the structure of the classes and the amazing amount of content! So worth the investment. Thank you.
The systematic learning makes the subtle skills invoked in breathing and moving energy very easy and practical. David is a wealth of wisdom, you can see it as truth in his body language when he teaches. Highly recommend this program. Changed my perspective big time in just the first module and there’s so much more!! Much love ❤️"
Shane Mitchell
Doing this the right way
We made this to make lives better — no shady stuff here.
No recurring charges
These trainings are meant to be used over and over again for life. So, we're not going to charge you every month to access them for eternity. You pay once, it's yours forever.
90-day happiness guarantee
This might not be for everyone, and that's okay. If you don't think it was worth it, just let us know within 90 days and we'll make it right. No questions asked. No hard feelings.
Doing this the right way
We made this to make lives better — no shady stuff here.
No recurring charges
These trainings are meant to be used over and over again for life. So, we're not going to charge you every month to access them for eternity. You pay once, it's yours forever.
90-day happiness guarantee
This might not be for everyone, and that's okay. If you don't think it was worth it, just let us know within 90 days and we'll make it right. No questions asked. No hard feelings.
If you've ever wondered, "is this it?", consider this your calling

Will you follow the path that the masters have paved for you to reach your highest potential? 

Will you see how deep the rabbit hole goes and invest in transformation?

Or will you ignore the call and carry on down the same path?

If you've ever wondered, "is this it?", consider this your calling

Will you follow the path that the masters have paved for you to reach your highest potential? 

Will you see how deep the rabbit hole goes and invest in transformation?

Or will you ignore the call and carry on down the same path?

"This depth of information and the willingness to share the human potential is what I have been looking for my whole life."
Janice Millard
Burlington, Canada
Don't waste money cobbling a mish-mash of practices together to reach your full potential.
Understand the bigger picture.
This is 30 years of research distilled into the exact algorithm needed to reach your full potential - developed directly from the world's most incredible humans.
Nothing to lose,
everything to gain
90 days to decide if you this is for you.

The Superhuman Training

Decades of immersive superhuman experience into an accessible training program.
Training I: Foundations
35 Lessons
I. Disconnecting & Energy Cultivation
II. Power & The Fire Within
III. Synchronization & The Mystical Union

My life changed for the better by the third day by learning to override anything I face. And that was just day 3...Imagine what else I’ll achieve with the rest of the course!

Sharon Corcoran
Sydney, Australia

Nothing to lose,
everything to gain

If you're not in love with it after 90 days we'll give you every penny back. No questions asked. 

The Superhuman Training

Decades of immersive superhuman experience into an accessible training program.
Training I: Foundations
35 Lessons
I. Disconnecting & Energy Cultivation
II. Power & The Fire Within
III. Synchronization & The Mystical Union
My life changed for the better by the third day by learning to override anything I face. And that was just day 3...Imagine what else I’ll achieve with the rest of the course!

Sharon Corcoran
Sydney, Australia
