The Superhuman Trainings
 Docuseries    |    Trainings       

There's a superhuman within you. We'll show you how to unlock it. 

Decades of research into extraordinary humans distilled into an accessible training program. 

There's a superhuman within you. We'll show you how to unlock it. 

Decades of research into extraordinary humans distilled into an accessible training program. 

"The human senses are so much more profound and precise than was ever imagined by science, and I think David Verdesi has had some very profound and powerful experiences of that...

he has distilled practices from around the world into a new algorithm of practices."

William Bushell, Ph.D.

MIT, Harvard, and Columbia University affiliated anthropologist

What David discovered.

During his research, David noticed an interesting pattern.

Whether in Africa, Siberia, South America, Indonesia, China, or India: the world’s most incredible people all show similar patterns.

There are 3 specific stages that underpinned the extraordinary potential of every superhuman he studied.

After noticing this, David reverse-engineered an algorithm that allows anyone to tap into the full power of your Superhuman potential.

A ‘Superhuman Algorithm’ that  transcends geographical, linguistic, and cultural boundaries.

The Kalachakra Mandala, a roadmap inwards that is deciphered in David's algorithm.
"There is so much spiritual marketing out there, so many money making gurus and so little substance.

Finally, deeper knowledge and more advanced tools. Good work!"
Elena Johansson
Malmö, Sweden

What you will learn:

You've seen David's map in theory, now it's time to feel it in practice. 

26 lessons | 5 hours

The Superhuman Foundations Training is a 3-Part program that takes you step-by-step through the common principles & practices that David found in his research.

Training I. Foundations
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26 lessons | 5 hours
This is the first step in your path to unlocking your full potential. An extensive 3-part course teaches the common mental principles David observed in masters & superhumans throughout his 30-year journey.  While the core practices are explained in 5 hours of video lessons, they are designed to be used over and over for life.

Part I: Disconnecting
& Energy Cultivation

7 Lessons
Principles: I. Finding the Stillness | II. Emotional Expansion
The foundation of it all; you will learn to disconnect from the monkey mind and tap into the dormant energy potential of your body, turning the mind-body machine into a factory of energy to the point of creating your light body.
9 Lessons
Principles: II. Emotional Expansion
Keep your light shining. Whenever you will feel lost or disrupted, bring your mind back into the center, so your light remains bright, and your energy stays strong.

Part II: Power & The Fire Within

Part III. Synchronization & The Mystical Union

14 Lessons
Principles: III. Receiving & Decoding | IV. The Mystical Union
Unify the hardware and software; the mind, body, emotions, and desires — all in service of disengaging from the competing voices within. With laser-like focus, in sync with heart and universe, you will move beyond your physical body, to reach what the Buddha called enlightenment.
Training I. Foundations
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26 lessons | 5 hours
This is the first step in your path to unlocking your full potential.

An extensive 3-part course teaches the common mental principles David observed in masters & superhumans throughout his 30-year journey.  While the core practices are explained in 5 hours of video lessons, they are designed to be used over and over for life.

Part I:
& Energy Cultivation

7 Lessons
Principles: I. Finding the Stillness | II. Emotional Expansion
The foundation of it all; you will learn to disconnect from the monkey mind and tap into the dormant energy potential of your body, turning the mind-body machine into a factory of energy to the point of creating your light body.

Part II:
Power & The Fire Within

9 Lessons
Principles: II. Emotional Expansion
Keep your light shining. Whenever you will feel lost or disrupted, bring your mind back into the center, so your light remains bright, and your energy stays strong.

Part III.
Synchronization & The Mystical Union

14 Lessons
Principles: III. Receiving & Decoding | IV. The Mystical Union
Unify the hardware and software; the mind, body, emotions, and desires — all in service of disengaging from the competing voices within. With laser-like focus, in sync with heart and universe, you will move beyond your physical body, to reach what the Buddha called enlightenment.
Training II. Going Deeper: David's Private Seminars
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62 lessons | 28 hours
These are the recordings from a 3-week intensive workshop that David led in Santa Cruz, California. These videos are uncut, meaning you're hearing the exact discussions and practices attendees paid thousands of dollars to hear.

While the Foundations training will have shown you how to move through the map at will, these intimate seminars will bring you deeper into the what and why behind David's algorithm. No detail is spared.

S E M I N A R   I

Power Breathing

31 lessons | 11 hours

Before we begin our journey to transformation, we're going to need to fuel up.

David found there is a shared commonality throughout the world's ancient and geographically distanced practices - each uses the breath to generate energy. While the practices have been around for centuries, David's technique takes the best of the world's vast & varying breathing practices, then condenses them into the most efficient fuel for your road ahead.

S E M I N A R   I I

Heart Mirror

20 lessons | 9 hours

Time to put that fuel to use.

Heart Mirror utilizes the fuel you created in Power Breathing to then take on the monumental task of emptying yourself - your preconceived notions, your thoughts of self, your old ways; so that you then can be molded anew. It's heavy work, and David is there to guide you through that process - sharing wisdom & allegories from his lifetime of research.

S E M I N A R   I I I

Mind Mandala

11 lessons | 8 hours

So you've fueled up and emptied your mind; now where are you going to go?

Mind Mandala gives you the map. In many practices you're left to be free…but without anything to grasp onto with this new freedom and it’s easy to feel whipped around and lost. Here, you will chart your journey to come, and create your map to return to center for when we inevitably get lost along the way.

"After years of practice and research I found something that works better than I have ever dreamed of.
As a clinical psychologist, I value meditation, self control, and development. I really enjoyed the practical guidance of David Verdesi. I've never had such a profound experience on the first try. David guided the whole process and explained the effect every step of the way. Thank you!"
Kertész F. Alpár
Training III. Expansion: Rounding Out Your Practice
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3 trainings | 4.5 hours
These bonus trainings will prove to be invaluable sidekicks on your core journey of mastering the map. From controlling every muscle in your body to designing your mind, these practices will supplement and continually refine your superhuman self.
Design Your Mind
with Lee Holden

7 lessons | 2.5 hours

When we try to design our external worlds it can often lead us to feeling powerless, however when we focus on designing our internal states and ways of seeing the world, we become infinitely powerful beings. And there’s no place to start better than here.
Stance Training Energy Practice

1 hour

Question: What is the heaviest thing you lift every day? Answer: You. Every morning you force yourself up and move every cell against gravity - all day long.  Stance Training teaches you to be hyper-precise of every electron in your being so that you can control every bone in your body.
Mind Training and True Meditation

1 hour

Feel how calm and relaxed meditation can be now that you've undergone a journey to clear your mind & body. This is what it means to "truly" meditate.  Here, you'll learn the Seven-Point Posture of Vairochana - an advanced, but approachable style of meditation that was passed down to David throughout his research.
Training III.
Expansion: Rounding Out Your Practice
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3 trainings | 4.5 hours
These bonus trainings will prove to be invaluable sidekicks on your core journey of mastering the map. From controlling every muscle in your body to designing your mind, these practices will supplement and continually refine your superhuman self.

7 lessons | 2.5 hours

When we try to design our external worlds it can often lead us to feeling powerless, however when we focus on designing our internal states and ways of seeing the world, we become infinitely powerful beings. And there’s no place to start better than here.
Stance Training Energy Practice

1 hour

Question: What is the heaviest thing you lift every day? Answer: You. Every morning you force yourself up and move every cell against gravity - all day long.  Stance Training teaches you to be hyper-precise of every electron in your being so that you can control every bone in your body.
Mind Training and True Meditation

1 hour

Feel how calm and relaxed meditation can be now that you've undergone a journey to clear your mind & body. This is what it means to "truly" meditate.  Here, you'll learn the Seven-Point Posture of Vairochana - an advanced, but approachable style of meditation that was passed down to David throughout his research.
"The breath practices with David are fabulous.

First I used them for myself, and now in my practice as hypnotherapist for my clients."
Nicolaas Jacobs
How to use the
Superhuman Experience
Start watching the docuseries
The episodes within the docuseries are your inspiration, like watching the olympics every two years. Each master in the docuseries represents a shared principle of all superhumans. Before you begin to train, it's best to have at least finished watching episode 1.
Begin to master Training 1: Foundations
This initial training is the essence of David's map. It's designed to be used for life. Perfecting this one regimen as a singular and cohesive approach will change the way you live forever.
Continually supplement your growth with interviews and bonus trainings
While you are perfecting Training 1: Foundations, you can continually digest interviews and Training III: Rounding out Your Practice. After you have worked through the foundations trainings, move onto Training II: David's Seminars to begin to hone the finer details of the map.
"Better and better each day I practice! I love everything!!! Amazing video quality, amazing site layout, amazing to have the practice components."
Lee Botbiji
Calgary, Alberta
Why we're sharing this now
We and the masters we've met believe that the time is now to reveal these secrets. Now more than ever, our planet needs conscious human beings with awakened hearts and compassionate minds.

We need more people to understand what their potential is, not only for themselves but what we could do together as a way to bring more healing into the world.
Why we're sharing this now
We and the masters we've met believe that the time is now to reveal these secrets.
Now more than ever, our planet needs conscious human beings with awakened hearts and compassionate minds.

We need more people to understand what their potential is, not only for themselves but what we could do together as a way to bring more healing into the world.
A lifetime of training, for the cost of a full-day workshop

The Superhuman Training

Decades of immersive superhuman experience into an accessible training program.
Training I: Foundations
30 Lessons
I. Disconnecting & Energy Cultivation
II. Power & The Fire Within
III. Synchronization & The Mystical Union
Start now

The Superhuman Potential Bundle

105 lessons
Everything we learned from our exploration into the extraordinary. 
Training I: Foundations
35 Lessons
I. Disconnecting & Energy Cultivation
II. Power & The Fire Within
III. Synchronization & The Mystical Union
Training II: David's Private Seminars
63 Lessons
I. Power Breathing
II. Heart Mirror
III. Mind Mandala
Training III: Rounding out Your Practice
7 Lessons
True Meditation Practice
Stance Training
Design Your Mind Training

Begin your journey

"The content is worth more than money. All parts are my favourite...literally fantastic. I loved literally everything - the approach, the display, the content. It’s really well gathered and presented."

Matthew Garrad
Perth, Australia

A lifetime of training, for the cost of a full-day workshop

The Superhuman Training

Decades of immersive superhuman experience into an accessible training program.
Training I: Foundations
30 Lessons
I. Disconnecting & Energy Cultivation
II. Power & The Fire Within
III. Synchronization & The Mystical Union

The Superhuman Potential Bundle

105 lessons
Everything we learned from our exploration into the extraordinary. 
Training I: Foundations
35 Lessons
I. Disconnecting & Energy Cultivation
II. Power & The Fire Within
III. Synchronization & The Mystical Union
Training II: David's Private Seminars
63 Lessons
I. Power Breathing
II. Heart Mirror
III. Mind Mandala
Training III: Rounding out Your Practice
7 Lessons
True Meditation Practice
Stance Training
Design Your Mind Training

"The content is worth more than money. All parts are my favourite...literally fantastic. I loved literally everything - the approach, the display, the content. It’s really well gathered and presented."

Matthew Garrad
Perth, Australia

The people you will learn from have committed a lifetime to develop their full potential.

To put this in perspective...

☕️ Each daily training is less than a cup of coffee or tea (over 100 trainings at $4.47 a day)

🧘🏽‍♂️ You'll have access to a lifetime of training for less than a 3 month membership at a yoga studio

💫 What is it really worth to spend day after day, year after year, operating at your highest potential?
"I love the structure of the classes and the amazing amount of content! So worth the investment. Thank you.
The systematic learning makes the subtle skills invoked in breathing and moving energy very easy and practical. David is a wealth of wisdom, you can see it as truth in his body language when he teaches. Highly recommend this program. Changed my perspective big time in just the first module and there’s so much more!! Much love ❤️"
Shane Mitchell
Doing this the right way
We made this to make lives better — no shady stuff here.
No recurring charges
These trainings are meant to be used over and over again for life. So, we're not going to charge you every month to access them for eternity. You pay once, it's yours forever.
90-day happiness guarantee
This might not be for everyone, and that's okay. If you don't think it was worth it, just let us know within 90 days and we'll make it right. No questions asked. No hard feelings.
Doing this the right way
We made this to make lives better — no shady stuff here.
No recurring charges
These trainings are meant to be used over and over again for life. So, we're not going to charge you every month to access them for eternity. You pay once, it's yours forever.
90-day happiness guarantee
This might not be for everyone, and that's okay. If you don't think it was worth it, just let us know within 90 days and we'll make it right. No questions asked. No hard feelings.
If you've ever wondered, "is this it?", consider this your calling

Will you follow the path that the masters have paved for you to reach your highest potential? 

Will you see how deep the rabbit hole goes and invest in transformation?

Or will you ignore the call and carry on down the same path?

If you've ever wondered, "is this it?", consider this your calling

Will you follow the path that the masters have paved for you to reach your highest potential? 

Will you see how deep the rabbit hole goes and invest in transformation?

Or will you ignore the call and carry on down the same path?

"This depth of information and the willingness to share the human potential is what I have been looking for my whole life."
Janice Millard
Burlington, Canada
Nothing to lose,
everything to gain

90 days to decide if you this is for you.

The Superhuman Training

Decades of immersive superhuman experience into an accessible training program.
Training I: Foundations
35 Lessons
I. Disconnecting & Energy Cultivation
II. Power & The Fire Within
III. Synchronization & The Mystical Union

The Superhuman Potential Bundle

105 lessons
Everything we learned from our exploration into the extraordinary. 
Training I: Foundations
35 Lessons
I. Disconnecting & Energy Cultivation
II. Power & The Fire Within
III. Synchronization & The Mystical Union
Training II: David's Private Seminars
63 Lessons
I. Power Breathing
II. Heart Mirror
III. Mind Mandala

Training III: Rounding out Your Practice
7 Lessons
True Meditation Practice
Stance Training
Design Your Mind Training

Begin your journey
My life changed for the better by the third day by learning to override anything I face. And that was just day 3...Imagine what else I’ll achieve with the rest of the course!

Sharon Corcoran
Sydney, Australia

Nothing to lose,
everything to gain

90 days to decide if this is for you.

The Superhuman Training

Decades of immersive superhuman experience into an accessible training program.
Training I: Foundations
35 Lessons
I. Disconnecting & Energy Cultivation
II. Power & The Fire Within
III. Synchronization & The Mystical Union

The Superhuman Potential Bundle

105 lessons
Everything we learned from our exploration into the extraordinary. 
Training I: Foundations
35 Lessons
I. Disconnecting & Energy Cultivation
II. Power & The Fire Within
III. Synchronization & The Mystical Union
Training II: David's Private Seminars
63 Lessons
I. Power Breathing
II. Heart Mirror
III. Mind Mandala

Training III: Rounding out Your Practice
7 Lessons
True Meditation Practice
Stance Training
Design Your Mind Training

My life changed for the better by the third day by learning to override anything I face. And that was just day 3...Imagine what else I’ll achieve with the rest of the course!

Sharon Corcoran
Sydney, Australia
